Registration is now open for Phase 2 of the State Government’s consultation sessions for the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (ACH) Act 2021 co-design process. The second phase has commenced with the release of a suite of draft documents for consideration by stakeholders.

Matters being co-designed include the tiers of ground disturbance activities that could cause harm to Aboriginal cultural heritage, which will determine whether an approval will be required, and whether that should be a permit or a more comprehensive management plan.

A draft management code has also been prepared to guide proponents on how to assess if a proposed activity poses a risk of harming Aboriginal cultural heritage and protected sites, and how to engage meaningfully with Aboriginal people regarding proposed activities.

The consultation workshops will take place throughout the Mid-West and Pilbara during July and August. Based on feedback received during Phase 1, several of the workshops will be for Aboriginal participants only with workshops open to the general public held the following day.

For dates, details and relevant documents