KNAC Agreement Committee- Expression of Interest (Closes 5pm WST 10 March)

As advised at our 2022 AGM, KNAC will be reviewing many Native Title Agreements over the next few years. To ensure the best outcomes for our members, the Board have approved the appointment of an KNAC Agreement Committee (ARC). This committee provides an additional forum for KNAC Directors and KNAC Members to consider the terms of identified agreements and workshop and how the agreements can be changed to improve outcomes for the Community; to protect and manage Country; and to maximise Commercial terms for the benefit of the Nyiyaparli People.

The KNAC ARC will be made up of up to 4 KNAC Directors and 5 KNAC members who are not Directors and will hold their first meeting at the end of April. The role and activities, expectations and requirements of this committee are outlined in the Terms of Reference (attached).

If you wish to apply or nominate a KNAC member, please email our Board Secretariate Abbie on by 5pm WST Friday 10 March 2023. For more information, please contact our CEO Cate on