There has been significant activity in the Nyiyaparli Living Language Project of late that we are keen to share with you. Here are some of the highlights so far!
Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation (KNAC) is pleased to announce that Stage 2 of Nyiyaparli Living Language Project (NLLP) will be fully funded by the Nyiyaparli Native Title Charitable Trust (AET Trustee).
The NLLP aims to preserve, document, digitise, promote, and revitalise the critically endangered Nyiyaparli language, while also support more generations of Nyiyaparli to speak it. Specifically, the goal of the NLLP is to Keep Nyiyaparli language alive, forever.
Stage 2 of the NLLP presents a 3-year, ambitious and innovative programme of language capture and revitalisation projects.
Special thank you to Cheryl Yuline for her assistance in presenting the Stage 2 NLLP plan to the NNTCT (AET) Advisory Committee, and to the Nyiyaparli Committee members too for your support.
The Nyiyaparli Living Language Project (NLLP) Working Group recently attended the Kids-on-Country Pilot Program at 14-Mile on Roy Hill Station in late September.
Working closely with Nyiyaparli media and film production company, Coongan, the NLLP team took the opportunity to film some short yarns in language with some of our senior Nyiyaparli speakers including Julie Flann, Cheryl Yuline, Peter Yuline (PY) and Michael Stream.
The backdrop to filming this important cultural heritage content was a beautiful spot on-country at 14-Mile at sunset. Capturing these yarns is part of the NLLP oral and video recording project- one of the programs 26 projects for delivery over the next 3 years.
The Nyiyaparli Living Language Project (NLLP) Working Group recently attended the Kids-on-Country Pilot Program at 14-Mile on Roy Hill Station in late September.
The group took the opportunity to run a Nyiyaparli language lesson to teach kids the words in Nyiyaparli for different body parts.
The language lesson was super fun with lots of screaming and shouting from both the kids and the adults! It was hosted by Nyiyaparli language speakers Peter Yuline (PY) and Cheryl Yuline. The lesson was facilitated by KNAC’s Community Co-ordinator, Soraya Daniel, with the welcome provided by Streamy.
Special shout out to Cheryl Yuline, Margaret Yuline and Julie Flann for their language work on developing the body parts posters.
Massive thanks to the KNAC’s Nyiyaparli Rangers for hosting the amazing trial Kids-on-Country camp and providing the valuable opportunity for the NLLP team to work with the kids.
The Nyiyaparli Body Parts posters will be available for everyone soon and we’ll let you know once they’re ready 👍🏼
The Nyiyaparli Living Language Project (NLLP) Working Group have been busy developing a range of language focussed products (such as wearables and merchandise) for KNAC members.
We’re super excited to release the first batch to you soon at the November AGM!
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