Last week Nyiyaparli Rangers Carol-Lee and Carol Anne, along with Ranger Program Coordinator Mel, joined staff from the Dept of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to trial some vegetation survey techniques on Fortescue Marsh.

Four plots across different vegetation types were marked out and surveyed over the two days. Characteristics such as vegetation type and species, plant size, and plant health were measured. Soil characteristics and evidence of erosion or disturbance were also recorded. This was done from both the air, using an RTK drone to capture aerial images, and on the ground using transects. It is hoped that from these trails, DBCA and the Nyiyaparli Rangers can develop an ongoing survey methodology that will provide baseline data to measure the impacts of unmanaged cattle on the Marsh environment, and measure improvements over time when cattle management strategies are implemented.

The team camped out at Coonidiner Pools and enjoyed some specky sunsets.

Thanks to the DBCA team for coordinating the week, and a big shout out to Junior Rangers in the making CC and Tay-Tay who joined their Nan, Carol, on the trip, and were awesome. Well done team!