Last week, KNAC Members and Newman businesses had a chance to visit the Newman Commerce Hub and catchup with the Karlka Commerce Team.
The team joined Angela Nicholls, General Manager – Karlka Commerce in Newman, with James Rhee, Member Support Officer traveling from South Hedland. Steve Clarence, General Manager of Karlka Fencewright flew in from Perth, and Richard Gratte, Station Manager joined us, travelling in for the day from Ethel Creek Station.
Throughout the day, we had members and guests drop by to see the Team, and we would like to extend our thanks to everyone who made it a great day. The Karlka Commerce Team will have more of these events in the future in various locations, so please keep an eye out for the next day and make sure to come in and see us!
It’s a great chance for our members to let us know what support they want from the Commerce Team, and register an interest in Training, Employment, or starting a Business.
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